This will be a botanical bioblitz. What is a bioblitz? A bioblitz is a communal citizen-science effort to record as many species within a designated location and time period as possible.
The goal will be to record and identify all native and non-native plant species we can find while wandering off trail through the Green-Rock Audubon property.
Participants do not need any prior background knowledge in botany. Leader will do a demonstration on what to look for and how to use the phone app iNaturalist to record information. The plan is to use iNaturalist to record our sightings, so participants will need a camera or a cell camera. Other botanists and nature enthusiasts will also be on site to answer questions as they may come up. This program will repeat on August 24.
Directions: Meet at Gabower-Reilly Reserve parking lot, 6705 W. Cleophas Rd. west of Beloit
Leader: Joni Denker
No RSVP needed, but we would be very appreciative if you let us know you were coming (see link on website)