
Blackhawk Community Credit Union is pausing its plan for a new headquarters in Janesville, but it remains committed to supporting HealthNet of Rock County in some form.

BHCCU originally said it would donate its current headquarters to the free medical and dental clinic once the credit union moved into its new facility.

With that project on hold, Blackhawk and HealthNet issued a joint press release Wednesday reaffirming their partnership.

Last week, Blackhawk announced it parted ways with CEO Sherri Stumpf and ceased construction activities on both the headquarters and its downtown Legacy Center museum.

Interim CEO Lisa Palma said the credit union will fulfill its “commitment and donation” to HealthNet, but she did not specify how that donation will be fulfilled.

HealthNet CEO Ian Hedges said his non-profit remains committed to opening a new facility and expanding its programs within the next two years thanks to the partnership with BHCCU.

HealthNet is now also opening up telehealth services, and Hedges said his board of directors voted to expand their eligibility guidelines for patients seeking treatment.
